Looking to fine tune your marketing skills and put together a plan in time for the holiday season? Island Institute Small Business Team has partnered with Shannon Kinney of Dream Local Digital to help you do just that.

In the following two-part series, Kinney will provide tools needed to drive sales, grow your audience, and be successful in promoting your business.

All events take place online and are free of charge.

The first class in the series, DEVELOPING YOUR MARKETING PLAN OF ATTACK, will take place on Oct. 7. Every successful endeavor starts with a plan. In this session, we’ll walk through how to develop your plan of attack for the holiday season and beyond. We’ll review how to set goals, where to prioritize your time, and steps for success with your website, social media, search, email and other advertising. This session will include an outline and specific direction for you to create your own plan.

In DRIVING RESULTS AND SALES WITH ONLINE MARKETING on Oct. 14, learn how to execute your plan of attack to drive sales for the holidays and beyond. We will offer quick tips for success in driving sales on social media, on your website, with email, and paid advertising tactics that drive results. This session will also include how to measure your results and tips to increase sales.

Kinney is a seasoned startup founder and executive with over 25 years of experience. She is considered a thought leader in the online space and is a highly sought after keynote speaker, advisor and consultant. She founded Dream Local Digital in 2009 “to bring the power of online marketing to small and medium sized businesses” and to master the craft of how to make SMBs successful on social media. She has a wide and highly engaged network of leaders in media, technology and startups worldwide, and has developed Dream Local Digital to be a widely recognized brand as best-of-breed social media fulfillment.

Each webinar runs from 2 to 3 p.m. To learn more or to register, go to http://www.islandinstitute.org/events?utm_source=Commercial+Currents&utm_campaign=31756f5012-EMAIL_commercial_currents_podcast_04_22_20_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_23998d92fa-31756f5012-290454833&mc_cid=31756f5012&mc_eid=9d05832306.