Category: openings

Artemis Gallery hosts group show

Artemis Gallery’s first group show of the 2021 season opens on July 1 and runs through July 14.  The show features artists Rob Finn, Tamara Gonda, Josh Hurst, Bill Mayher and Diana Roper McDowell for a mix of watercolorists and woodworking.  A portion of sales from the show will benefit the Neighborhood house in honor […]

Shaw Jewelry in Northeast Harbor Celebrates 40th Anniversary

  Shaw Jewelry in Northeast Harbor Celebrates 40th Anniversary Opening Reception Thursday, July 1, 5–7pm (every other Thursday eve all season) TRINA MANSFIELD Tapestries of Mount Desert Island Trina may be best known for her exquisite renderings of birds, but this year she presents dynamic tapestries of stitched together fabrics. With layers and texture, she […]

Courthouse Gallery presents ‘Five Maine Artists’

Ellsworth Courthouse Gallery Fine Art will present “Five Maine Artists,” a show highlighting new work by artists living and working in Maine: Philip Frey, Matt Barter, Christina Thwaites, John Neville and Philip Barter.  Three are seasoned artists — Barter (Philip), Neville and Frey — whose work has intrigued audiences for decades, while Thwaites and Barter […]

Mars Hall Gallery opens its 2021 season 

Mars Hall Gallery opens its 2021 season on June 18 with a group show titled “Pandemic Productivity.” With nowhere to go and an abundance of time, artists have been very productive. This exhibit will showcase new works by Nancy Baker, Ian Baird, Jeanette Steele-Esposito, Kris Johnson, Stephen Jonassen and Eleanor Zuccola, along with oils and […]

Mid-Coast Salon ‘Art Matters’ exhibit

Mid-Coast Salon will present the exhibit “Art Matters” at Portland Media Center. The Salon is a monthly discussion group of two dozen accomplished artists brought together by their love for and commitment to art. In this exhibit, 16 of them will present 60 diverse works of drawing, painting, photography, pottery and even flexforms. Participants include […]

‘Wander Lust’ solo photography exhibit by Susan Moore

“Wander Lust,” a solo show by photographer Susan Moore, runs June 20 to July 3 at Eastport Gallery. Moore learned photography from her father. She was “taught to always have my camera,” she says, “as well as a fishing pole with me, as I imagine he wanted me to be able to fill my soul […]

‘Welcome Back to Real Life’ exhibit at Carol L. Douglas Studio 

Carol L. Douglas Studio in Rockport will present “Welcome Back to Real Life” from 2 to 6 p.m. June 19. While the past year has been an unprecedented challenge for artists, it’s also created new opportunities, says Rockport artist Carol L. Douglas. “For example, I would never have taught online without COVID, and now I […]

Landing Gallery opens Sarah Faragher solo exhibit

Landing Gallery, 409 Main St, Rockland, is pleased to announce the opening of “LOCAL COLOR: AN ALMANAC OF MAINE PAINTING”, a solo exhibit of 60 new paintings by Sarah Faragher, June 4 – June 29. Sarah Faragher is a 1990 graduate of Colby College, Magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa.  Her work was included […]

Eastport Gallery kicks off season with annual Community Show

The Eastport Gallery will open for the summer season on June 5 with its annual Community Show. This year, the show will be presented both live in the Water Street gallery and online in the virtual gallery. The show will run in the front rooms of the gallery from June 5 through 19 and will […]

Gleason Fine Art exhibits ‘Dorothy Eisner: Paper Collages and Select Oils’

Gleason Fine Art in Boothbay Harbor is showing the paper collages and select oils of Cranberry Island artist Dorothy Eisner (1906-1984) from May 27 to June 29. For 24 summers at the end of her life, Eisner was an enthusiastic member of Cranberry Island’s large artistic community, which included John Heliker, William Kienbusch, Gretna Campbell, […]