36 Central Street Bangor, ME 04401
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Sohns Gallery presents ‘The Queen and Her Court’
Kenny Cole exhibited ‘The Shroud Cycle: O’ Earth’ at Sohns Gallery
Sohns Gallery hosts ‘for a short while’
The Sohns Gallery presents “New Paintings by James Linehan
Sohns Gallery Annual All Small Art Show + Reception
Gintarė Jautakaitė exhibits first art show at Bangor’s Sohns Gallery
Peter Walls featured in the Sohns Gallery
Sohns Gallery Seventh Annual All Small Art Show Reception Dec. 6
Sohns Gallery reception for “Summer J. Hart: unwritten”
The Sohns Gallery Presents Works by Local Artist Jeff Wahlstrom
Sohns Gallery Solo Exhibit “Oh You Pretty Things” by Kat Johnson
The Sohns Gallery presents, “Mixed Media Paintings by Ed Carrion”
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