Tag: art
Celebrate CMCA’s fall exhibitions
The Center for Maine Contemporary Art (CMCA) in Rockland invites the public to celebrate its fall exhibitions with a reception for the artists from 4 to 6 p.m. Oct. 2. On view throughout the galleries are solo exhibitions by Ryan Adams and Hiraki Sawa and the thematic group exhibitions “Spatial Relations” and “Into Action.” The […]
Artist Spotlight: Pemaquid artists Julie Babb and Barbara Vanderbilt
Don’t let the Pemaquid Art Gallery’s season close on Oct. 11 without having viewed the great range of fine art on view there, for example the widely divergent work of well known local artists Julie Babb and Barbara Vanderbilt. Babb’s delicate, highly skilled and detailed gouache portraits of birds have been long-time favorites and are […]
‘Golden Days’ at Jean Kigel Studio & Gallery
As summer morphs into autumn, Jean Kigel Studio & Gallery features paintings of nature’s rich transformation from green to gold with the show “Golden Days. Kigel’s watercolors dance with flaxen fields and bronze hills, and her Asian brushwork celebrates colorful fruits and mountains. Kigel launched the gallery at 1396 Back Cove Road in Waldoboro in […]
Visit Freeport for Maine Craft Weekend
Visit Freeport on Oct. 1 to 3 for Maine Craft Weekend. Freeport joins the map as a 2021 Featured City for Maine Craft Weekend with Visit Freeport’s 22nd annual Freeport Fall Festival. Throughout the village, you’ll discover an expansive array of Maine artists and craftsmen, as well as local food producers offering everything from jams […]
‘Middle Passage’ at Shaw Jewelry
Work by Jeffery C. Becton is featured in the solo show “Middle Passage” from Sept. 16 to Dec. 30 at Shaw Jewelry. Becton creates what he calls digital montage. The images fall somewhere between photography, collage and painting. The narrative that emerges contains intimate interiors and mercurial oceans. He overlaps textures including rocks and barnacles, […]
Zillman Art Museum announces new exhibitions
The Zillman Art Museum, located at 40 Harlow St. in downtown Bangor, opened eight new exhibitions in September. ZAM’s fall shows opened to the public on Sept. 11. Admission to the Zillman Art Museum is free in 2021, thanks to the generosity of Birchbrook. EMILY EVELETH: “FUTURE POSSESSIVE” Sept. 11 to Dec. 30 The Zillman […]
‘Our Maine’ exhibit of fine photography at the Maine Art Gallery
For its final show of the season, the Maine Art Gallery in Wiscasset features four fine art photographers, each celebrating Maine through their own point of view and aesthetic. Works by Terry Hire, Jim Nickelson, Lisa Mossel Vietze and Olga Merrill explore Maine through both abstract and representational imagery, all with a unique take on […]
Portland Art Gallery Q&A: Artist Philip Barter
Maine. I’ve lived in Maine my entire life. I was born in Boothbay Harbor in 1939. My family descends from the Barters who settled Barters Island in the 1700s. After graduating from Boothbay High School, I left Maine for a stint with the Army, and tried life in California in the ’60s. My Maine roots […]
Visit Bucksport for Maine Craft Weekend
Maine Craft Weekend is Oct. 2 and 3 this year. Bucksport, a community located on the shores of the Penobscot River with a quaint and vibrant Main Street joins this year’s Maine Craft Weekend (MCW) as a Featured City. While in Bucksport, MCW attendees will find several events celebrating local art and craft. On Saturday, […]
Artist Spotlight: Pemaquid artists Sally Loughridge and Peggy Farrell
Two well-known, successful, local artists showing this season at the Pemaquid Art Gallery at Lighthouse Park in Bristol are Sally Loughridge and Peggy Farrell. Loughridge’s bold and colorful oil paintings and oil pastels contrast with the delicacy and intimacy of Farrell’s watercolors, with Loughridge depicting the drama and changes in Maine’s coastal natural world and […]