“The Adams School” by Dan Graziano 16”x8” oil on panel www.dangrazianofineart.com
“The Adams School” by Dan Graziano 16”x8” oil on panel www.dangrazianofineart.com

Dan Graziano will be one of twenty-five artists included in Collecting Castine 2017, a special one-night exhibit and sale of fine art on Monday, August 7, from 5 – 7:30 p.m. at The Wilson Museum’s Hutchins Education Center. This special art exhibition will feature an outstanding collection of recent original artwork created by living artists either from Castine or with a long association to Castine. All artwork will be available for purchase with sales commissions used to fund the Wilson Museum’s growing art collection. The Wilson Museum is located at 120 Perkins Street in Castine, Maine. For more information on this event, visit The Wilson Museum web site at http://www.wilsonmuseum.org