“The Last Cast” by Mary Buergin.

The Saltwater Artists Gallery is featuring work by Mary Buergin.

Buergin hales from Buffalo, New York, and started her career at an advertising agency there. She ran her own interior design company for 10 years before moving to New Hampshire and then to Maine. Buergin is sensitive to subtle colors, lighting, mood and composition, which create an emotion.

“When I feel I have captured this emotion, I consider the work to be a success,” Buergin says. “I choose my subjects by what captivates me and I want to share them with others so that they too can see something unique that thet may not have had the opportunity to see.”

Burergin’s work is on sale at the Saltwater Artists Gallery at 3056 Bristol Road (Rt.130) in New Harbor and is open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Go to saltwaterartists.com for details.