EARTHSEA hannah bureau x formation oilonpanel
Work by Hannah Bureau.

Kicked off by the opening of new work by Artist-in-Residence Hannah Bureau, and continued with work from several gallery artists, Gallery B’s sixth show of the season, “EARTHSEA” opened Aug. 9.

Gallery B hosted a reception for Hannah Bureau and Earthsea on Aug. 9 at 8 Water St., Annex Studios. The show then moved to Gallery B.

The name of the show is borrowed from writer Ursula K. Le Guin in homage to the place name in the brilliant “Earthsea” series.

The show will offer many works of the imagination, abstract and not, reflecting everything under the sun: the world, this place, the weather, the elements.

On display at the Annex will be works by Hanna Bureau, and the working studios of Kelly Carmody & Viktor Butko. At Gallery B will be new works by Louise Bourne, Hannah Burr, Drew Klassen, Shelley Mansel, Chrissy Nickerson, Amy Bernhardt, Christina Thwaites and others.

The last show of the season and closing exhibition for Viktor Butko and Kelly Carmody will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 20.

Master astrologer Judi Vitale will be in residence Aug. 13 to 20. As the first astrologer in residence in the space, Vitale paves the way for more interdisciplinary projects at the Annex. She is available for consultations in astrology, tarot and many other modalities of esoterica. Email to book a reading.

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