SHAW robert
Work by Robert S. Neuman.

Robert S. Neuman will show “Space Signs” at Shaw Jewelry from Aug. 15 to 28, with an opening reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 15.

Brightly colored constellations are seen in many of Neuman’s (1926-2015) compositions, where they are stamped, drawn and painted in his distinct abstract language. “Space Signs” combines paintings and drawings with these celestial elements from multiple series inspired by Neuman’s personal journey, including his treasured time on Mount Desert Island.

Richard Keen will show “Island Geometry.” Keen’s paintings are known for the way he reduces detail, flattens space, amplifies color and responds to patterns. “Island Geometry” showcases this distinct artistic signature as Keen reflects on hikes taken around Mount Desert Island’s inlets, ponds, beaches and woodlands. Meet the artist on Aug. 15.

Work by Daria Dekoning.

Daria Dekoning will show “Split Rings and Landscapes.” Dekoning is introducing a new ring collection with twin gemstones. The pair explore the harmonies of color and shape. She is also a treasure hunter of stones that exhibit natural inclusions that portray landscapes and familiar vistas, all set in her signature 18 karat gold settings. Meet the artist Aug. 15 to 17.

Shaw Jewelry is at 128 Main St., Northeast Harbor. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Call 207-276-5000, email, or go to for more information.