TURTLE Hunter Stripe Variation
“Hunter Stripe Variation #124” tapestry by Morris Dorenfeld.

“Textiles & Textures” opens at Turtle Gallery on Sept. 5. An open house and artist talks will be held on Sept. 6 from 2 to 5 p.m., with talks beginning at 2:30 p.m. Enjoy conversation with gallery artists and take in the barn and sculpture gardens with some light refreshments.

Enjoy vibrant tapestries from Morris Dorenfeld; fine wood crafts from Eben Blaney, Chris Joyce and Wayne Hall; sculptural and functional pottery from Lynn Duryea, Katherine Hackl, Paul Heroux and Sharon Townshend; and new textile work from Mary Ann McKellar, among others.

Turtle Gallery resides in an 1876 two-story barn and outdoor sculpture garden located at 61 N. Deer Isle Road in Deer Isle. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday through Sunday from May 30 to Oct. 7. For more information, visit turtlegallery.com, or call 207-348-9977.