Category: 000 Gallery
The Boothbay Region Art Foundation’s August Show: Something for Everyone
Boothbay Region Art Foundation’s newly-installed Members’ Show seems todefine creative diversity coupled with the saying “Great Minds Think Alike”. As such, our featured artists are the sum total of 92 local and regional artists who deliver an entertaining variety of mediums, styles and themes. In addition to the regular members’ show, BRAF is sponsoring a special solo-artist–exhibit in the upstairs Harbor View Room. Pemaquid artist, Marcia Brandwein, has installed a collection of her oil and pastel paintings entitled “Nature’s Beauty”. This body of work expresses the source of Marcia’sinspiration, stemming from all–things–Maine. The […]
New Era Gallery Late Summer Opening Saturday August 6
New Era Gallery’s Late Summer Show features evocative acrylic and mixed media landscapes by Peter Bodnar III, oil paintings of familiar island places by Suzanne Savage Brewer, and assembled wall sculpture, prints, and drawings by Kitty Wales. Hours for the opening on Saturday, August 6 are 10:00 – 7:00, with an opening reception 5:00 – […]
123 Main Street, a new gallery in Northeast Harbor
Inness Hancock’s show “Visions” opened at 123 Main Street in Northeast Harbor and is on display through Labor Day. Hancock’s collection of watercolor and oil paintings encapsulates more than one’s ability to see or observe nature and art but to perceive and manifest it. The paintings in this collection are her “visions”. Inness’s […]
August news from Art Space Gallery
Art Space Gallery offers the work of 16 Maine artists working in a variety of mediums and styles. Front room artists in August are Margaret Creighton, John Wood, Lara Max and Mary Beth Morrison. Art Space Gallery will be open every day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Sundays when they close at 2 […]
Jean Kigel’s annual ‘Eastern Views’ exhibit
See Jean Kigel’s annual ‘Eastern Views’ exhibit, featuring Asian brush, watercolor and oil, from 1 to 5 p.m. Aug. 5, 6 and 7 at Jean Kigel Studio + Gallery, 1396 Back Cove Road, Waldoboro. Kigel writes: “This past year I have been working on a series of seascapes in oil, a series of fish in […]
Portland Art Gallery interviews J. Rodney Dennis
J. Rodney Dennis’ painting “While She Was Musing” stopped me in my tracks on a visit to Portland Art Gallery. Painted with exceptional skill and detail that evokes the Old Masters, it depicts a Black woman — perhaps in her 30s or 40s — casually seated in bed wearing a demure white nightgown and holding […]
Artist reception at Salt Pond Studio in celebration of Friendship Day
Pam Cabanas’ series “Working the Waters” depicts the random chaos of the working waterfront in large charcoal drawings on panel. These works are juxtaposed with Katharine Cartwright’s exquisite ink drawings from the series “Third Watch,” which explore the order of the ropes and rigging on board beloved sailing vessels. The exhibition casts off with a […]
‘From Cairo, Egypt, to Egypt, Maine’ solo exhibition by Kathleen Sutherland at MOTHERS
MOTHERS Art & Antique Gallery, which brings the world to Down East Maine, announces its next exhibitions, opening Aug. 12 from 4 to 7 p.m.: “From Cairo, Egypt to Egypt, Maine,” a solo exhibition of oil and pastel landscapes by Kathleen Sutherland. In “From Cairo, Egypt, to Egypt, Maine,” Sutherland paints landscapes of Maine and […]
New artwork featured at Pemaquid Art Gallery
Aug. 3 begins the second half of the season at Pemaquid Art Gallery in Lighthouse Park, Bristol. At the mid-summer mark each season, artists refresh their displays with new work. Even if visitors have been to the gallery earlier, it’s worth another visit to view the wide variety of artwork created by this year’s 32 […]
‘Late Summer Show’ at New Era Gallery
The Late Summer Show at New Era Gallery in Vinalhaven opens on Aug. 6 and runs through Aug. 30. The show features evocative acrylic and mixed-media landscapes by Peter Bodnar III, oil paintings of familiar island places by Suzanne Savage Brewer and assembled wall sculpture, prints and drawings by Kitty Wales. An opening reception will […]