Watercolor by Diane Dubreui, who will lead a watercolor class at the Maine Art Gallery beginning June 26.

There’s still time to sign up for three classes that will be offered by the Maine Art Gallery in June. Classes in Wood Assemblage and Appreciating Nature Photography are open to adults and youth over 10 who are accompanied by an adult. Watercolors for Beginners and Intermediates is designed for adults only.

Wood Assemblage. No experience is required for this class. Andre Benoit will demonstrate how he takes remnants of wooden furniture and woodworker castaways to create art. Students bring a glue gun with glue sticks; other materials will be provided. Andre Benoit is a retired physician who turned his avocation as a plein-air painter into a retirement vocation as an abstract assemblage artist. Class meets June 19, 9 a.m. to noon. Cost: Members $75. Nonmembers $100. Location is the Maine Art Gallery.

Appreciating Nature Photography. Jonathan Lavan will lead this multi-day class. Any skill level is welcome, but one must be able to hike about 1.5 miles. Students will learn to see all the tiny little important lives all around us all the time. Lavan is a naturalist, citizen scientist and wildlife expert who leads diving and photography trips all over the world. Class meets June 20, 23, 27 and 30 and July 16, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Cost: Members $45 ($60 for member plus one child). Nonmembers $60 ($75 for nonmember plus one child). The first and last classes will be held at the gallery; three other locations will be made by group decision.

Watercolors for Beginners and Intermediates. Anyone who has some background in fine art painting will benefit from this class. Each morning instructor Diane Dubreuil will present a challenge to enhance and enliven the skills of the beginner or practicing watercolorist. The class will explore planning the paintings, talk about materials, and experiment with direct painting, and wet-in-wet and other elements present in good paintings. Diane Dubreuil has had a lifelong interest in plein-air painting. Most recently she was chosen to be Baxter State Park’s visiting artist. She teaches watercolor classes and gives painting demonstrations. Class meets June 26, 27, 28; 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Maine Art Gallery and outside. Cost: Member $210, Nonmember $225. 

Details and registration information on the classes is at maineartgallerywiscasset.org.

The gallery is located at 15 Warren St., Wiscasset, with free on-street parking.