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Dear Friend of Annex Arts,

This past summer, as an experiment, we packed the Water Street studios and apartments with visiting artists all summer long. The results were magnificent, and the effects wide ranging. We felt the impact on the artists and our community immediately, and we want to make this our approach going forward.

To facilitate the increase in artists-in-residence for the entire summer, we changed over apartments into improvised studio spaces and changed the way we housed the artists.

We are asking you to help us improve our infrastructure for next year, allowing us to support more artists at a time, create larger creative community, and more opportunity for public engagement.

We are at an inflection point in our development and we are ready to grow! We invite you to join us as we improve our facilities to better meet our work of maintaining free and supported space for artists to visit and work within our community.

Please consider helping us. Your donations are the foundation of all we do to meet our mission of supporting artists and building community.


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Annex Arts Artists Residency program offers artists supported space and time on the Maine coast. Our residency supports the creation of new work and facilitates meaningful opportunities for public interaction with our artists and programs.

Donations today will lay the groundwork for Annex Arts to accomplish its mission to:

  • increase our community’s cultural vibrancy,
  • help local and visiting artists advance their work,
  • enhance local education in the arts,
  • impact our community’s economic development via programming that attracts and retains visitors.

Annex Arts studios are located at 8 Water Street in Castine
More information can be found at